Don't SLO Down
Serendipitously, about a year ago, I happened to be at my favorite music venue in DC on the night my favorite band (unbeknownst to me at the time) was scheduled to perform. Although this band was the opening act, they completely stole the show and I've been obsessed with them ever since.
Stop Light Observations is comprised of 4 guys, all seemingly in their mid to late 20s, from South Carolina. Although not a "southern rock" band, they are clearly influenced by southern storytelling, rock anthems, and indie riffs. After falling in love with them as both people and musicians, I quickly sang their praises to anyone who would listen (plus they travel with a French Bulldog that hangs out on stage with them). I've seen them live twice and each time has been a spiritual experience, as cheesy at that sounds.
This past Friday, SLO released their new album (or at least part of it). There is one introductory, spoken word piece, one full length song, and one entirely instrumental piece. Without fail, SLO takes you on a journey. Albeit this journey is short, but no less powerful.
Stop Light Observations can be found on Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube and on their website.
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